Wax Care

Prep and Aftercare

Achieving smooth skin doesn’t have to be complicated. However, it does require some prep and aftercare to help you feel your best during and after the wax. Here’s how you can ensure your wax is a comfortable experience, every time.

Wax Care

Prep and Aftercare

Achieving smooth skin doesn’t have to be complicated. However, it does require some prep and aftercare to help you feel your best during and after the wax. Here’s how you can ensure your wax is a comfortable experience, every time.


  • Don’t shave for 2 to 3 weeks before your appointment. This is important for the next step…
  • Once your hair is at least ¼ of an inch long, you can come in for a wax. If it’s longer than ½ an inch, you may want to trim (not shave) the area for a more pleasant experience.
  • Avoid tanning within 24 hours of your appointment. Tanned skin will be more sensitive during the wax.
  • Exfoliate your skin with a body scrub or brush two days before your appointment. This makes hair removal easier and will prevent ingrown hairs from appearing.
  • Shower the day of your appointment. Avoid using hot water as this can increase the sensitivity of your skin.
  • We suggest skipping alcohol or coffee the day of your appointment. Alcohol and caffeine can tighten your pores, making for an unpleasant experience.
  • While this is optional, you can choose to take an over-the-counter pain medication 30 minutes prior to ease the pain of your wax. Do what makes you feel best!
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes to your appointment. Cotton fabric is the best material to reduce friction and sweat on freshly waxed skin.


You did it! You survived your wax service, but it doesn’t end here; you must do your part at home for optimal results. Here are some guidelines for you to follow to avoid ingrowns, infection, discomfort, etc.

  • Keep the waxed area clean for the next 24-48 hours and try to avoid tight, restrictive clothing. Clean, breathable cotton garments are best. If you are prone to infection and ingrown. Avoid spandex, lace, nylon etc. The more you can avoid these types of clothing in general, even after the first 48 hours, the better.
  • Avoid hot baths, showers, saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, gym/exercise, sunbathing, or sun beds for the next 24-48 hours. Activities that will cause you to sweat a lot are not advised as bacteria, oils, runoff products, and dirt will interfere with your newly waxed/exfoliated area and increase the chance of irritation and infection. Sun/tanning is not advised as your waxed skin is FAR more susceptible to burning.
  • Avoid wearing perfume, body spray, makeup, or deodorant on any waxed area for at least 24 hours. These products can cause stinging, infection, pustules, irritation, etc.
  • Sexual contact is not recommended in the first day or so either as many people find the friction to be an irritant.
  • After the first 24-48 hours, we recommend beginning some type of exfoliation routine. You will need to gently exfoliate the area 2-3 times a week.

If this is your first wax, please be advised that you may see growth within the first few days. It takes a good 3-4 sessions to start seeing optimal results. For Brazilians, you will need to come in every 3-5 weeks (most clients), avoid shaving in between, and follow your homecare instructions. Once you have been waxing for around 4 months, you will likely start seeing a noticeable difference in the amount of growth and texture of the hair. Most people experience 2-3 weeks of bare, smooth skin before any significant/visible amount of hair is there. You are ready to come back in when the hair is at least ¼ inch. I look forward to seeing you then!

If you have ANY questions or concerns, we are always available to you for guidance, advice and instruction. We legitimately care about all of our clients and have the experience and knowledge to assist you. I will do my best to get back to you ASAP.